Presentation of “Budynok Mamy” resource center took place in Kyiv

Ambassador Darkhan Kaletaev participated in the presentation of the Budinok Mami Resource Center in Kyiv.
The presentation was attended by representatives of the Secretariat of the First Lady, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, UNICEF, Office of the Ombudsman of Ukraine, Kyiv State City Administration, National Children's Specialized Clinic “OCHMATDIT”, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine, Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary and diplomats of European states and CIS countries accredited in Ukraine, Ukrainian businessmen, media representatives, etc. The project is implemented by the Public Foundation “Anaүi” with the support of the Ambassador of Kazakhstan.
The project is realized by the Public Foundation “Ana Uyi” with the support of the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Ukraine.
Executive Director of the Public Foundation “Ana Uyi” Azharkul Klyshbaeva during the presentation informed about the first year of work of the resource center “Budinok Mami”. From July 2023 until now 18 women have received the necessary assistance, as a result of which 24 children have avoided institutionalization. The Foundation plans to open similar institutions in other regions of Ukraine.
The project is being implemented in Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey, Malaysia and Azerbaijan.