14:02 11.06.2024

Zelenskyy, Steinmeier discuss Ukraine situation, expectations from Peace Summit

1 min read

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy has held a meeting with Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier in Germany.

“We discussed the security situation in Ukraine, our current needs against Russian attacks on the energy sector, and the ongoing hostilities along the frontline,”

The parties also discussed Ukraine's expectations from the results of the Peace Summit in Switzerland, Zelenskyy said on X Tuesday.

According to the President, he and Steinmeier reviewed the partnership between Ukrainian and German cities and communities.

“I am grateful to Germany for hosting and organizing this year's Ukraine Recovery Conference,” Zelenskyy said.

Zelenskyy emphasized that following the Ukraine Recovery Conference, he looks forward to concrete agreements.

"We highly appreciate Germany's pan-European leadership and all the assistance provided to Ukraine. Following the Ukraine Recovery Conference, we look forward to concrete agreements and results for economic development, foreign investment inflows and elimination of the consequences of large-scale destruction caused by Russian aggression," he said.