Price index of base load electricity on Ukraine's DAM rises by 34.1% in 2024
The price index of base load electricity (BASE) on the day-ahead market (DAM) of Ukraine for 2024 amounted to UAH 4,522.27 per MWh, having increased by 34.1% (UAH 1,148.75 per MWh more) compared to 2023, according to data from the analytical report of JSC Market Operator on the results of the spot market of electricity last year.
In turn, the average weighted price of purchase and sale of electricity on the DAM for the past year in Ukraine amounted to UAH 4,878.06 per MWh. On the intraday market (IDM), the weighted average price of electricity accepted during 2024 was fixed at UAH 4,986.44 per MWh.
"Trading volumes on the spot electricity market of Ukraine in 2024 amounted to 27.5 TWh, which is 22.6% more than traded on the DAM and the IAM in 2023. Both the DAM and the IDM were mostly in surplus during the year: supply on the DAM exceeded demand by 1.3 times, on the IDM by 2 times," the company said on Thursday.
The cost of electricity sold on the DAM in 2024 amounted to UAH 146.861 billion (including VAT), on the IDM to UAH 14.286 billion.