10:59 02.02.2018

Ukrainian media Internet advertising market expands by 40% in 2017

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The Ukrainian media Internet advertising market expands by 40% in 2017, to UAH 2.51 billion, the Ukrainian Internet Association (UIA) has said.

In U.S. dollars the figure exceeded the level of 2012 ($94.46 million against $74.33 million), but it have not yet reached the 2013 level ($114.6 million).

The UIA said that the figures do not include search advertising and some other elements, which jointly with media advertising comprise the digital advertising segment.

"According to the pace of growth, Internet advertising is much ahead of other segments of the media advertising market in Ukraine. According to the Ukrainian Advertising Coalition, the growth of the TV advertising segment in 2017 was 29% compared to 2016, advertising in the press - 18%, radio advertising - 20%," the association said in a press release.

The share of direct sales in the media Internet advertising market according to the UIA survey in 2017 was 52.5%.

The largest segment of media Internet advertising was banner advertising, which occupies 49.67% of the market (51.2% in 2016). Advertising in the video player (pre-roll, mid-roll, post-roll, pause-roll, overlay-advertisement, picture-in-pause) was - 26.24% (in 2016 28.7%), in-page video advertising (content-roll) - 2.16% (last year 4.8%), other non-standard solutions (pop-up and pop-up pop-ups, catfish and screen-glide formats, synchronous banners, frontlines, full-screen advertising, sound advertisement in a digital audio stream and other types) - 12.09% (in 2016 12.3%).

The share of sponsorship grew from 3% to 9.83% in a year.

The share of mobile media Internet advertising (targeted at mobile device users) of the total turnover of media Internet advertising was the following: 14% for banner advertising, 11.55% for in-stream video, 5.55% for in-page video (content-roll), 3.36% - for non-standard solutions and only 1% fell on sponsorship.

The share of social media and instant messengers (FB, VK, Odnoklassniki, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Skype, Viber and other applications) was also determined in advertising - 26.49%.

The methodology for measuring the volume of media Internet advertising was based on a cross-sectional analysis of survey data from the largest advertising agencies, websites and sales houses.

"The survey involved leading online advertising agencies: Dentsu Aegis Network Ukraine, ADV Group Ukraine, ITCG, IPlace, Qreachers, Publicis Groupe Media, TMGU, AdWork, Dievo, MediaHead, Neos, Promodo, newage, WebPromo, SeoMarket, and representatives of the largest sites, holdings and sales-houses: Autocentre, Edipress, Lux (24 channel), RBC, RIA, Ukr.net, UMH/Digimedia, Admixer, DMDim/Go2Net, FISH, DigitalDecisions, Adwise, T-Sell, Rontar, All.biz, Online.ua, Novoye Vremia, RST and Obozrevatel," the association said.


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