18:11 18.07.2018

Renault discusses possibility of placing production facilities in Ukraine

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Renault discusses possibility of placing production facilities in Ukraine

Discussions are currently underway with the leadership of the Renault Group on the possibility of placing the production of this group's cars in Ukraine, Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman has said.

"I met with the managers of a leading automaker, French company Renault, and now we are discussing the possibilities of placing the production of Renault cars in Ukraine," Groysman wrote on his Facebook page.

He noted that this would create additional jobs and expand the country's export capabilities.

The head of government expressed confidence that Ukraine could become a regional hub of automotive production.

"We already have excellent examples of the work of enterprises producing both knots and parts and finished products for the Ukrainian and European markets," Groysman said.

According to the website of the Ukrainian government, the meeting was attended by Senior Vice President, Chairman of the Renault Group for the Eurasian region Nicolas Maure, who also serves as President and CEO of PJSC AvtoVAZ (Russia), and Executive Vice-President for Sales and Marketing at PJSC AvtoVAZ Jan Ptacek, who headed Renault Ukraine until 2014.

The Renault Group has been making cars since 1898. Today it is an international multi-brand group, selling close to 3.5 million vehicles in 127 countries in 2016, with 36 manufacturing sites, 12,700 points of sale and employing more than 120,000 people.



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