19:01 29.07.2021

Saakashvili presents principles of deregulation of SMEs in Ukraine

2 min read
Saakashvili presents principles of deregulation of SMEs in Ukraine

 Mikheil Saakashvili, the head of the executive committee of the National Council of Reforms, presented the Act on Freedom of Entrepreneurship, proposing a number of measures to deregulate small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs).

"The Act on Freedom of Entrepreneurship is a change in the framework philosophy of attitudes towards business in Ukraine. This was the president's consideration during the discussion of the law on deoligarchization, let us talk about how to help small and medium-sized businesses. If we cannot deregulate small and medium-sized businesses, we are losing 2% or 3% annually in economic development," he said at a joint meeting of the Presidium of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities under the President and the National Council of Reforms in Kyiv on Thursday.

According to Saakashvili, the act envisages the introduction of a unified standard and principles for the activities of state and local authorities in the direction of promoting business. Thus, the document provides for a ban on the creation of new regulatory agencies in the field of entrepreneurship, as well as the introduction of new permits and reporting, de-bureaucratization of business processes.

The project also proposes conducting unscheduled inspections and stopping the activities of a business entity solely by court decision, introducing insurance and a risk management system during inspections.

In addition, it is proposed to introduce self-regulation of activities in some areas and the possibility of choosing a subject for the provision of administrative services from among accredited third parties.

"I want to emphasize that this is a framework document. It should be sent for discussion to the committees and the government," Saakashvili said.