19:52 06.05.2024

Kamet Steel plant carrying out major overhaul of cable rack at coke chemical division for uninterrupted power supply

2 min read

The Kametstal plant of the Metinvest mining and metallurgical group, created at the facilities of Dnipro Metallurgical Plant (DMK) in Kamianske, Dnirpopetrovsk region, in the coke chemical division is carrying out a major overhaul of the cable overpass, on which the uninterrupted power supply of the production depends.

According to the press release, this leading overpass houses the main cable lines that supply all departments of the enterprise's coke-chemical production. Currently, major repair work is being carried out in the area along coke battery No. 5.

"A complete replacement of metal structures supporting cable lines and metal structures of working sites for servicing the electric highway is being carried out. Specialist contractors produce metal structures directly at the plant – on specially designated sites," the company said.

It is clarified that the key goal of the repair work is to increase the reliability of power supply to the coke production plant and to eliminate emergency situations on the overpass, which could cause damage to the main cables. For this purpose, a complete renewal of metal structures that have lost strength during long-term operation is carried out. Repair efforts are also aimed at increasing work safety and improving working conditions for electricians, who systematically restore these cable lines as part of ongoing repairs.