18:55 02.09.2024

About 27% of servicemen resort to informal payments for medical services during rehabilitation period – study

1 min read

About 27% of military personnel resorted to informal payments for medical services during the rehabilitation period after injuries, among civilians this figure was 35.8%.

As reported by the National Health Service of Ukraine (NHSU) on its website, this is evidenced by the data of a study conducted within the USAID project "Health Reform Support."

According to the study, the level of informal payments for rehabilitation paid by the military was significantly higher than payments by civilians: the military paid an average of UAH 14,500, civilians some UAH 4,932.

At the same time, the level of informal payments in the rehabilitation sector was lower than in the sphere of other medical services (61% versus 71%).

The main reasons for informal payments in the rehabilitation sector were named by respondents as the desire to thank doctors.

Overall, the study showed that 78% of respondents have a negative attitude towards informal payments.