Defense Ministry publishes report in IHL on experience of helping civilians during war

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has published its first Voluntary Report in the international humanitarian law (IHL), which reflects the implemented system and unique experience of implementing, applying and disseminating knowledge of IHL, the department said on its website on Friday.
The document is about the withdrawal of civilians from enemy shelling using unmanned aerial vehicles, the delivery of humanitarian aid to children by drone, the precise destruction of enemy military targets at different distances, the study of IHL norms on television and on the phone, etc.
The report is addressed to representatives of government bodies, international organizations, the academic community both in Ukraine and abroad.
The UK Interdepartmental Commission on IHL played an important role in the preparation of the Voluntary Report of the Ministry of Defence. Head of the UK Interdepartmental Commission on IHL Andrew Murdoch said such efforts provide Ukraine with additional tools for developing dialogue with other states and societies, demonstrating what exactly the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine is doing in the field of IHL.
The document was first presented to the international community at the 34th International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent in Geneva. This conference is the largest humanitarian platform, which is held every four years.
"Thus, 125 pages, 50 practical examples in six sections – this is about consistency and practice. This is our legal way of demonstrating to partners the reliability of Ukraine in the use of transferred weapons and military equipment. This is a call for more decisive actions and political decisions on the provision of international military assistance to fight for common values," Deputy Head of the International Law Department of the Legal Support Department of the Defence Ministry, Lieutenant Colonel of Justice Inna Zavorotko said.