12:32 30.05.2017

Australia appoints new ambassador to Ukraine

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Australia appoints new ambassador to Ukraine

Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has announced the appointment of Melissa O'Rourke as a new ambassador to Ukraine.

"Today I announce the appointment of Ms Melissa O'Rourke as Australia's next Ambassador to Ukraine," Bishop said in a statement posted on the website of the Australian Foreign Ministry.

Bishop noted that Australia is a steadfast supporter of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity and the two countries cooperate closely on issues relating to the investigation of the downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17.

"Our economic relationship continues to develop and mature. Total two-way goods and services trade was valued at $156 million in 2015-16 and strong opportunities exist for Australia's resources sector. Australian investment in Ukraine was worth $60 million in 2015," the foreign minister said.

According to the press release, O'Rourke is a career officer with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and has held a range of positions in DFAT including Director, United Nations and Commonwealth Section. She was most recently Deputy Head of Mission at the Australian Embassy, Moscow. She has also served overseas in Brussels and Bangkok.

O'Rourke is expected to take up her appointment in September 2017.


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