13:00 02.08.2017

Areas planted with winter crops in Crimea shrink by 85% in three years

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Areas planted with winter crops in Crimea shrink by 85% in three years

The total area planted with productive crops in Crimea from 2014 through 2017 shrank by 85.1%, the volume of planting winter crops also narrowed by 85%, Ukrainian Ministry for Temporary Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) has reported, referring to a study.

"The data has been received using satellite observations. After processing satellite data it was revealed that the areas with productive crops in Crimea are gradually falling. Weather conditions during this period were satisfactory and did not affect the crops," the ministry said.

The ministry said that if in March 2014, the total area planted with winter crops was 1.024 million ha, in March 2015 it almost halved, to 595,206 ha or 58% of the areas planted in 2014), in March 2016 it slightly narrowed to 550,550 ha or 54% and in March 2017 it totaled 153,006 ha or 15% of the 2014 figure.

"In general, due to the occupation of the peninsula by Russia destructive processes are seen in the agroindustrial complex and environment of Crimea," the ministry said.



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