16:18 29.01.2018

Poroshenko enacts NSDC decision on key indicators of state defense order for 2018-2020

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Poroshenko enacts NSDC decision on key indicators of state defense order for 2018-2020

Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko has signed a decree enacting the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine dated January 17, 2018 "On the Principle Indicators of the State Defense Order for 2018-2020".

The relevant decree of the president of Ukraine dated January 29, 2018 (No. 16/2018) was published on the official website of the head of state on Monday.

The NSDC decision itself is attached to the decree, however it is classified.

Control over the implementation of the NSDC decision, is entrusted to Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov.

This presidential decree comes into force on the day of its publication.

The NSDC approved "The Principle Indicators of the State Defense Order for 2018-2020" on January 17, 2018.

The priority areas of the state defense order in 2018 should be provision of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with modern missile and armored vehicles; means of electronic warfare, air defense; unmanned aerial systems, anti-sniper systems, etc.

Turchynov said the financing of the government defense order in 2018 is planned to be increased by 37% to UAH 21.3 billion.

Under the state budget, the financing of the program of the defense industry development in 2018 will triple compared to 2017, and will total UAH 2.344 billion.


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