13:11 12.10.2018

Ukraine, Poland agree on first 160,000 licenses for transportation by road in 2019

2 min read
Ukraine, Poland agree on first 160,000 licenses for transportation by road in 2019

Ukraine, Poland have agreed on the preliminary exchange of 160,000 licenses for transportation by road in 2019, Ukraine's Infrastructure Ministry has reported after a meeting of the Ukrainian-Polish mixed commission for international road haulage held on October 10 and October 11.

"The sides will hold a regular meeting of the mixed commission in the first half of 2019, where a decision will be made to establish the final quota," the Infrastructure Ministry said on Friday.

In particular, there will be universal licenses for of the categories Euro-1, Euro-2 and Euro-5 – 10,000 each, Euro-3 – 50,000, Euro-4 – 20,000, and transit categories of Euro-3 – 25,000 and Euro-5 – 35,000.

According to the report, Ukraine also agreed to obtain from Poland an additional 10,000 licenses (8,000 transit and 2,000 universal) for this year, which will increase their number to 216,500.

The Infrastructure Ministry said that Poland again insists on reducing the 2019 quota to 130,000. However, this does not meet the needs of Ukrainian haulers. "Our position in relation to this proposal was unambiguous - we do not agree to any reduction of the quota!" Director of the Strategic Development Department of the road market and road transport of the Infrastructure Ministry Viktor Sasin said on Facebook.

The ministry said that the meeting on the quota increase for 2019 will be held after evaluating the effectiveness of the use of already issued licenses.