17:23 30.07.2020

Self-isolation for persons coming to Ukraine from temporarily occupied territories canceled from Aug 1 - Border Guard Service

2 min read
Self-isolation for persons coming to Ukraine from temporarily occupied territories canceled from Aug 1 - Border Guard Service

In accordance with the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 641, from August 1, persons traveling to Ukraine from the temporarily occupied territories do not need to undergo two weeks of self-isolation, spokesperson of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine Andriy Demchenko said.

"Changes have been made to the government decrees that regulate the procedure for crossing the disengagement line and the border with Crimea. And, in fact, citizens who will go from the occupied territories should not install the 'Diy Vdoma' application and, accordingly, be placed under self-isolation. At the same time, the government reserved the right, if necessary, to renew this norm if there are risks regarding the spread of coronavirus in these areas," he told Interfax-Ukraine on Thursday.

According to Demchenko, Resolution No. 641 has already been adopted and published, but it comes into force on August 1. He also added that the document expands the list of persons who do not fall under self-isolation, and who do not need an insurance policy with regard to the category of foreign citizens.

Demchenko pointed out that the Ministry of Health of Ukraine will continue to form a list of countries, dividing them into "red" and "green" zones. Foreigners traveling to Ukraine must have an insurance policy, regardless of the country of origin and whether it is in the "green" or "red" zone.

"However, there are exceptions - these are foreigners and stateless persons who permanently reside in Ukraine, who are defined as refugees. And it is added that the insurance policy is also not needed by diplomats, representatives of official international institutions and military personnel of NATO countries who come to Ukraine to train the Armed Forces or participate in exercises," the spokesperson noted.

Demchenko also stressed that, according to the decree, the military personnel of NATO countries who arrive in Ukraine to participate in military exercises in Ukraine are not subject to self-isolation.