13:27 21.12.2020

Ukraine's rep to EU: If Kyiv doesn't take into account Venice Commission's recommendations, window of opportunity may close for us

2 min read
Ukraine's rep to EU: If Kyiv doesn't take into account Venice Commission's recommendations, window of opportunity may close for us

Ukraine should take into account the recommendations of the European Commission "For Democracy through Law" (Venice Commission, VC) to resolve the crisis caused by the decision of the Constitutional Court to partially cancel the anti-corruption reform, as this may affect its relations with the European Union, said representative of Ukraine to the EU Mykola Tochytsky.

"Every time we conduct a dialogue with the EU, the issue of a perfect, high-quality completion of the judicial reform is the number one issue. And if, after hard work to return certain elements to the form in which it was possible, the declaration and work of the NACP, we do not use the formula provided by the Venice Commission on how to return to the declaring of assets, I think that this window of opportunity will close for us," Tochytsky said at an online briefing at a conference of heads of foreign diplomatic institutions on Monday.

He stressed that without a high-quality and effective judicial reform, any achievements, which the EU and the Ukrainian authorities always talk about in terms of decentralization, land reform, and the unification of territorial communities, will not be perfect. "Because the legal proceedings at all levels - from local to the Supreme Court - this is that effective mediator in resolving any misunderstandings and disputes," Tochytsky said.