11:21 05.01.2021

Culture Ministry ceases to compile list of websites recommended for ban in Ukraine

2 min read
Culture Ministry ceases to compile list of websites recommended for ban in Ukraine

The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy has ceased to keep a list of websites to which it proposes to deny access in Ukraine.

"The determination and publication of the list of websites that contain information that has signs of prohibition for distribution in Ukraine according to the norms of Ukrainian legislation was carried out by the Ministry of Information Policy of Ukraine, which today is in a state of suspension of a legal entity as a result of its liquidation," the Ministry of Culture said in its response to a request of Interfax-Ukraine.

In this regard, the ministry said that at the moment they do not compile such lists.

The ministry also said that the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy "conducts information security activities and cooperates with the NSDC on sites that pose a threat to the security of Ukraine." "At the same time, such a form as the 'list of sites recommended for banning,' which was used by the Ministry of Information Policy, is not used by the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy, since lists from ministries cannot be the basis for blocking access to the site from Internet providers," the ministry said. Internet providers in their activities regarding the blocking of sites are guided exclusively by the decisions of the NSDC, enacted by decrees of the President and decisions of the courts, the ministry said.

"Currently, the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy is developing a concept for combating fakes and disinformation, and is also working on a project on media literacy so that regulation is carried out in a manner defined by legislation. The draft law on media proposed for consideration by the Verkhovna Rada formulates clear criteria for regulating both traditional and online media," the ministry said.

As reported, the Ministry of Information Policy on June 19, 2017, announced a list of 20 websites with recommendations to ban them in Ukraine. That list contained, in particular, such websites as Russian Spring (rusvesna.su)," Novorossia (novorossia.su), Antifascist (antifashist.com), Antimaydan (antimaydan.info), and others.

In April 2018, the ministry proposed a list incorporating 21 websites banned for the use in Ukraine: dan-news.info, admin-gorlovka.ru, dnr24.su, gorlovka.today, golospravdy.com, s-narodom.ru, politnavigator.net, riafan.ru, dnr-hotline.ru, genocid.net, miaistok.su, dnr24.com, republic-tv.ru, ruskline.ru, dnipress.com, kianews24.ru, c-eho.info, crimea.ria.ru, c-inform.info, komtv.org and gazetacrimea.ru.