18:07 19.11.2021

Restoration of some buildings on Andriyivsky Descent scheduled for 2022 – local authority

1 min read
Restoration of some buildings on Andriyivsky Descent scheduled for 2022 – local authority

Funding in the amount of UAH 269 million is provided for by the City target program "Protection and Preservation of the Cultural Heritage of Kyiv for 2022-2024," the funds will be directed to repair and restoration work, preservation of monuments, holding exhibitions and the implementation of cultural projects, the press service of Kyiv City State Administration has said.

"It is planned to restore the columns of the Magdeburg Law and the Intercession Church next year. The buildings on 5/2 and 34 Andriyivsky Descent, as well as on 14 Desiatynna Street and 2 Skovorody Street. And this is only part of what is planned," Deputy Head of Andriyivsky Descent Volodymyr Prokopiv said.

The tasks of the program include also the development of accounting documentation for 570 historical objects of cultural heritage, determination of the boundaries and modes of use of protected zones and complexes of local importance on the basis of scientific and project documentation.