09:41 12.07.2022

About 230,000 packs of vital medicines worth more than UAH 56 mln imported as medical aid are blocked at customs - EBA

2 min read
About 230,000 packs of vital medicines worth more than UAH 56 mln imported as medical aid are blocked at customs - EBA

The member companies of the Health Committee of the European Business Association (EBA) declare that more than 229,250 packages of vital medicines worth more than UAH 56 million, which were brought to Ukraine for 20 clinical hospitals and medical centers, are blocked at customs.

The EBA report says the customs clearance of vital drugs, including painkillers, oncological drugs, immunosuppressive drugs for the treatment of patients in pre- and post-operative transplantation, cardiovascular, non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, ophthalmic drugs, antidepressants, antibacterial drugs, antihistamines, inhibitors, hormones have been blocked at customs for about a month.

"Some 20 recipients of humanitarian aid, namely clinical hospitals, medical centers and a large number of patients in Ukraine, do not have the opportunity to receive the necessary medicines at their request as humanitarian aid," EBA members say.

In connection with the current situation, the EBA calls on the Cabinet of Ministers to make changes as soon as possible to the government resolution regulating the passage of humanitarian aid through the customs border of Ukraine under martial law for the urgent unblocking of customs clearance and the subsequent delivery to medical institutions as humanitarian aid of medicines imported into the customs territory of Ukraine as commercial cargo and those in customs warehouses.

The EBA clarifies that resolution No. 174 regulates the issue of the passage of humanitarian aid through the customs border of Ukraine under martial law conditions, but does not regulate the issue of passage, customs clearance and issuance of humanitarian aid that was imported as commercial cargo before the introduction of martial law and is in customs warehouses, but in respect of which, at the initiative of the owners of the cargo (donors), in particular, member companies of the EBA Health Committee, due to the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, the registration and transfer of this cargo as humanitarian aid was initiated.