20:34 27.04.2023

Lubinets: Problem of Ukrainian children deportation should be heard daily on all intl platforms

1 min read
Lubinets: Problem of Ukrainian children deportation should be heard daily on all intl platforms

Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights Dmytro Lubinets welcomed the adoption by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) of a resolution in which it called the deportation and forcible transfer of Ukrainian children to the territory of the Russian Federation a genocide, and also called on the ICC to consider the possibility of criminal prosecution of this crime.

"I hope that this document will help in the return of our children to their homeland, and will also be used in international courts to hold Russia accountable for the genocide of the Ukrainian nation. The issue of the deportation of Ukrainian children should be raised daily on all international platforms," Lubinets said in Telegram channel.