15:49 22.04.2024

Slovak citizens raise over EUR 3 mln for purchase of ammunition for Ukraine

1 min read
Slovak citizens raise over EUR 3 mln for purchase of ammunition for Ukraine

Citizens of Slovakia have already raised more than EUR 3 million through a crowdfunding project to support the Czech government's initiative to purchase hundreds of thousands of artillery shells for Ukraine.

Around 50,000 donors have joined the initiative, the Munícia pre Ukrajinu project said on its website.

"Exceptional news for Slovakia and for our neighbor Ukraine. The civilian fundraising campaign for ammunition for Ukraine has reached another huge milestone of EUR 3 million. Our united support keeps Slovakia on the map of unwavering supporters of Ukraine. If the government doesn't do it, then we will!" it said on Facebook on Monday.

The organizers noted that fundraising continues and called for the continuation of "this vital initiative for Ukrainians."