15:06 15.01.2025

Whether or not Ukraine builds additional nuclear capacity is the decision of Ukrainian authorities - EU Ambassador to Ukraine Mathernova

3 min read
Whether or not Ukraine builds additional nuclear capacity is the decision of Ukrainian authorities - EU Ambassador to Ukraine Mathernova

Blitz interview with EU Ambassador to Ukraine Katarina Mathernova

Text: Nina Yavorska, Dmytro Koshovyy

-- What is the EU's policy on nuclear energy in general? We know that the EU has so-called taxonomy rules. What is their essence and what is the role of nuclear energy in the “green” transformation of the EU?

-- Nuclear energy, subject to strict safety and environmental conditions and in line with the “do no significant harm” principle, plays a role in the transition towards climate neutrality in line with the European Green Deal.

The EU taxonomy is a cornerstone of the EU’s energy sustainable finance framework. It is an important market transparency tool; it helps direct investments to the economic activities most needed for the energy transition, in line with the net zero emission goals of 2050, as well as environmental goals.

-- How do you assess cooperation between Ukraine and the EU in the field of nuclear energy?

-- The cooperation between Ukraine and the EU in the field of nuclear energy is overall positive, as clearly demonstrated in the area of nuclear safety, implemented through the Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation.

As an example, there is ongoing EU support towards IAEA monitoring missions at nuclear power plants in Ukraine. The EU also supports activities related to nuclear waste management in Ukraine.

-- Did the EU Delegation to Ukraine really express its position on the completion of units 3 and 4 at Khmelnytskyi NPP?

-- The EU has not expressed an official position either for or against the building of the new Khmelnytski NPP units. I made that clear in my interview with EP back in December. The decision whether to build the new NPP blocks is for Ukrainian authorities to make.

-- What is the EU's current official position on Ukraine's plans to develop nuclear energy, including the completion of KhNPP Units 3 and 4?

-- As stated above, whether or not Ukraine builds additional nuclear capacity is the decision of Ukrainian authorities.

There is no clear consensus among EU member states on the issue of developing new nuclear generation capacity.

-- How likely is it that the EU or European financial institutions will finance the completion of KhNPP Units 3 and 4? What could be the amount of such funding?

-- Currently, the EU does not finance the development of nuclear power plants. That applies also to NPPs in Ukraine. And that is the case also for the financing by European financial institutions.

-- In your opinion, what role should the Supervisory Board of Energoatom play in decisions on the strategic development of Energoatom, including decisions on the completion of KhNPP Units 3 and 4? How do you assess its activities/inactivity since the selection of independent members? How do you think the situation could be improved?

-- Having a fully functioning, majority independent, supervisory boards in state owned enterprises is in my view an essential element for proper planning and implementation of major infrastructure projects.

Ukraine has voluntarily agreed to bring Energoatom’s supervisory board into compliance with OECD guidelines. But while a new board was selected already in June 2024, the contracts of independent members are still not signed, and the board is not operational. As G7 Ambassadors, we sent a letter to Prime Minister Smyhal in December 2024 urging the finalisation of contracts and launching of the new supervisory board as soon as possible. Having the full board in place will be essential for these discussion on new significant investments.