12:15 11.11.2016

Ten Ukrainian ministries sign memo of cooperation with EDGE in decentralization sphere

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Ten Ukrainian ministries sign memo of cooperation with EDGE in decentralization sphere

Ten Ukrainian ministries have signed a memorandum of cooperation with Expert Deployment for Governance and Economic Growth Project (EDGE) in the area of decentralization.

The relevant memorandum was signed on Friday morning by EDGE Project Manager Tania Sanford Amar and representatives of the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing, the Ministry of Infrastructure, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agrarian Policy, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Social Policy, an Interfax-Ukraine correspondent said.

"We are signing the memorandum, which will coordinate the decentralization in the different ministries," Deputy Prime Minister, head of the Ministry of Regional Development Hennadiy Zubko said during the signing ceremony.

However, Ambassador of Canada to Ukraine Roman Vashchuk, who was present at the ceremony, said that the need for the signing of this memorandum is that the authorities of regions, having the increased means at their disposal, do not know how to coordinate their use with each other and with the central bodies of executive power.

EDGE is an international technical assistance project, financed by the Ministry of International Affairs, Trade and Development of Canada, and is being impleme


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