11:27 09.09.2020

Experts from the most technologically advanced countries will speak at the Kyiv Smart City Forum

3 min read

Experts from the most successful and most promising regions will share their experience about smart technologies at the 5th International Online Forum Kyiv Smart City 2020, which is hosted at Kyiv on 8 October.

Speaker from Singapore - Charles Reed Anderson, Founder of CRA & Associates (IoT & Smart Cities), ‘Go Smart’ consulting board member (global organization of smart cities), McKinsey&Company senior IoT advisor. He is in high demand by political institutions from around the world, because Charles has a unique talent for anticipating market changes and is one of the leading innovators in the field of technological solutions of the smartest city on the planet. The Smart Nation is Singapore's national program, in which the state, business and civil society develop and implement high-tech processes to improve quality of life. At the Kyiv Smart City Forum, Charles Reed Anderson will share his experience in identifying key drivers in today's market, that not only able to restart implementation of smart initiatives, but also accelerate the pace of urban change in terms of COVID-19.

Dutch architect and urban planner Tom van Arman, founder and director of the design agency for smart cities "TAPP", will talk about the ways to develop a smart city in a pandemic setting using the case of Amsterdam city. Using an example of the capital of the Netherlands, the speaker will demonstrate how computer vision technology (creating machines for detecting and identifying objects) helps to securely collect, process, store and share information with the public in real time. Promptly collected data helps to make informed decisions aimed at maintaining the "spatial health" of parks, squares, waterfront areas and other urban spaces.

In "smart cities", there is a system where people, society, information and communication technologies are interconnected. Such cities create a technology platform that allows residents, businesses and authorities to work and manage the city together. Following the megacities, such systems are actively implemented in small towns. One of them is Valencia, Spain. Ramon Ferri Tormo, Chief Smart City Officer of València, Spain, will talk about the implementation of the "smart city" concept in Valencia.

American entrepreneur, investor, founder and CEO of Zuckerberg Media Randi Zuckerberg will make the headliner of Kyiv Smart City Forum 2020.

Kyiv Smart City Forum is among the main events in Eastern Europe dedicated to the promotion of smart city technologies. For the first time in Ukraine, such a large-scale forum will take place on a single site in real time. More information about the program and speakers can be found at: http://forum.kyivsmartcity.com/en

General media partner: "Кorrespondent". Official media partner: "Focus". International media partner - Smart City Journal.

Media partners: News One TV and TRK Kyiv, ‘Business’ and ‘Dengi’ magazines, ‘The Day’ newspaper, Interfax Ukraine and Ukrainian National News agencies, ‘GORDON’, ‘Obozrevatel’, ‘Delovaya Stolytsya’ portals , ‘LIGA’, ‘Kyiv Post’, ‘Delo’, ‘Glavcom’ and ‘Hi Tech Expert’.

Event support - EBA, URE Club, In Venture and ACC.

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