15:20 24.01.2024

Agrovesna returns to the capital of Ukraine

3 min read

Despite the war, Ukraine is reviving large agricultural exhibitions that have a significant impact on the industry and serve as a platform for experience exchange, SEEDS writes. 

One of the largest international exhibitions in Ukraine, Agrovesna, is also returning to the capital. Traditionally, in the spring, before the start of field work, the participants of this exhibition demonstrate modern technologies in various industries: grain farming, animal husbandry, and fruit and vegetable production at the Kyiv Exhibition Center.

Due to the risks of wartime and security concerns, the exhibition was not held last year, but times are changing rapidly and this year's Agrovesna will be held in Kyiv!

This outstanding agricultural event will take place at the International Exhibition Center of Kyiv on February 14-16. It is important that interest in such large-scale events in Ukraine is slowly but surely recovering, exhibition director Sergiy Vysotsky told SEEDS.

"It would be a bit presumptuous to say that everything has recovered, but we can confidently say that interest in exhibitions is recovering. The process is gradual, but the vector of movement is quite stable. We see that this is a need for both our economy and its individual industries. Of course, it is not at the level it was before the full-scale invasion, but both people and companies are interested in exhibitions. And, God willing, everything will gradually recover," hopes Sergey Vysotsky.

"It has already become a tradition to hold the International Conference of Sapienza Agri-Media Agency every year as part of Agrovesna, dedicated to various topics of increasing the profits of agricultural business. After a short break, we are returning with a new topic. This year, on the first day of Agrovesna, our agency, with the participation of agricultural associations and farmers' unions, is holding a Conference on Sustainable Agribusiness. Starting at 12:00, participants will be able to learn more about sustainable and profitable agricultural technologies. You will learn about new niches that are developing in Ukraine despite the war, find out more about agricultural business support programs and ways to harmoniously develop agricultural business in line with the EU's policy. Together with the participants, we will also formulate a conference resolution with the best practices and plans for sustainable agricultural development in Ukraine," says Kateryna Zvereva, founder of the agro-media agency Sapienza, International Consultant to the UN FAO.

"This will be the first Agrovesna since the beginning of the war. The last one had to be canceled for quite good reasons, reminded Serhiy Vysotsky.

"Last year, we canceled Agrovesna because the situation was very difficult, both in terms of security and energy. Frequent power outages forced us to look for new resources. We found them, but they were quite expensive. Now the situation is stable, and we are more prepared in terms of security - we have a bomb shelter right on the territory of the IEC. It is comfortable and has a high level of protection. In addition, we see that the tension that we had last year is gone. We are doing everything to make our exhibitors and visitors feel comfortable and safe," says Sergey Vysotsky.

As part of AGROWESNA, an international conference will be held on February 14 at 12:00 in Kyiv IEC: SUSTAINABLE AGRIBUSINESS: "TRADITIONS.NICHES.ECO-PRACTICES.TECHNOLOGIES".  


The conference is organized by Sapienza.media agro-media agency with the support of the Ukrainian Fruit and Vegetable Association (UFPA).