10:56 17.01.2018

Poroshenko signs bill regulating installation of gas meters

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Poroshenko signs bill regulating installation of gas meters

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has signed a bill amending the law on the provision of commercial metering of natural gas regarding the rules of the installation of gas meters for gas consumers.

"The law improves the principles of commercial metering of natural gas, regulates some issues of installation of meters, in particular, in multi apartment buildings. The adoption of the document would increase protection of rights of natural gas consumers," the press service of the head of state reported on Tuesday.

The Verkhovna Rada passed the bill on December 21, 2017.

According to the document, gas distribution companies will be able to establish common house gas meters only with consent of the co-owners of the apartment buildings. The law also prohibits gas companies to stop gas deliveries to an apartment building if the co-owners of the house fail to give consent to the installation of a house meter. Gas distribution companies are obliged to ensure installation of individual gas meters, rather than general house meters.

The law also provides for the possibility of installing individual gas meters by household consumers and the subsequent compensation of these expenses using the funds that they pay for natural gas. The compensation rules will be introduced by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.



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