SPF denies deliveries of titanium ore by United Mining Chemical Company to aggressor country

The State Property Fund of Ukraine (SPF) denies deliveries by PrJSC United Mining and Chemical Company, under whose management Vilnohirsk Mining and Metallurgical Combine (Dnipropetrovsk region) and Irshansk Mining and Processing Plant (Zhytomyr region) were transferred, of titanium ore to the aggressor country.
Regarding the accusation of allegedly supplying titanium raw materials to the Russian Federation, the State Property Fund emphasized that the company, which is under the management of the fund, conducts its activities transparently and openly.
It is specified that on August 7, one of the Ukrainian media disseminated information that Ukraine during the war was selling titanium raw materials to Russia for the production of aircraft and missiles, accusing the state-owned company of supplying raw materials to the aggressor country.
"The information given in the text does not correspond to reality, does not contain sources of information, and the representatives of the publication, while preparing the material, did not apply for a comment to the enterprise or the State Property Fund," the SPF comment states.
It is emphasized that the company does not cooperate with the aggressor state, the company's products are not supplied either to Russia or Belarus.
Moreover, since the fall of 2022, the company has strengthened measures to control export procedures and changed approaches to cooperation with buyers.
"The company's management closely cooperates with law enforcement agencies - information about all supply chains, end users, as well as control over the use of products is carried out by employees of the company and representatives of law enforcement agencies. The export of ilmenite concentrate to the end consumer occurs only when accompanied by authorized representatives of law enforcement agencies. Such coordination of efforts guarantees that raw materials will not get into the aggressor country," the statement says.