Rada adopts in general bill on protection of land share owners

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted as a whole bill No. 11150 on amending some legislative acts of Ukraine to protect the interests of owners of land shares, as well as the application of administrative procedures in the field of land relations (registry), prepared for second reading.
As MP Yaroslav Zhelezniak (Holos faction) said on Telegram, the bill was supported by 243 MPs.
According to the explanatory note, the bill provides for the extension from 2025 to 2028 of the period for registration of unclaimed land plots, the distribution of land plots between the owners of shares and their heirs of lands remaining in collective ownership after the distribution of land plots.
In addition, the pilot project for entering information into the State Land Cadastre by certified land surveyors is being extended until 2026. At the same time, certified land surveyors are required to upgrade their qualifications.
The bill allows the use of funds received in the relevant budgets to compensate for losses in forestry production for the development of detailed land management projects and the implementation of measures provided for by them. Funds from compensation for agricultural losses that remained in local budgets before the abolition of the institution of losses in agricultural production will be spent on land protection.
In addition, a rule will be put into effect according to which the validity of lease agreements for land plots formed from unclaimed (unallocated) land plots transferred to communal ownership will expire two years from the date of state registration of the communal ownership rights to them.
The bill establishes the obligation to join the land management documentation, which is developed for the purpose of entering into the State Land Cadastre information about the formed land plot, copies of documents on the basis of which the ownership right and use of such land plot (if any) were acquired.
The document restores the exchange of rights to use agricultural land plots located in an array of agricultural lands on the basis of a court decision.
In addition, the draft law proposes to provide for specific administrative procedures in the field of land relations.