Talks about Ukrainian 'nuclear weapons' trying to blur West's reluctance to expand sanctions against Russia - Podoliak

We must not confuse the concepts of "nuclear weapons" and "optimal deterrence option"; talk about Ukraine’s alleged creation of such weapons is trying to blur the West’s reluctance to expand sanctions on the export of Russian gas and oil, believes adviser to the head of the President’s Office Mykhailo Podoliak.
"Such weapons [nuclear], even if Ukraine were able to create them in the foreseeable future [and this is not even being discussed], cannot contain an empire with the second largest nuclear arsenal in the world. This is clear. By talking about a 'Ukrainian bomb' that doesn’t exist, they are simply trying to cover up the West’s reluctance to use truly destructive weapons against the Russian empire," Podoliak wrote on his Telegram channel on Thursday.
According to him, such weapons are not at all secret - this includes, in particular, strict compliance with existing sanctions, their expansion to oil and gas exports, the transfer of frozen Russian assets in Europe to Ukraine, as well as the cessation of supplies of components for military production to the Russian Federation through third countries.
In addition, the introduction of sanctions against a wide range of Russian officials, industrialists and war propagandists.
"Why does the world calmly accept the destruction of Ukrainian cities, but is not ready to even discuss the destruction of the economic basis of Russian militarism, which can be implemented without a single shot?" Podoliak noted.
On November 13, The Times, citing documents prepared for the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, reported that Ukraine allegedly has the capacity to create its own nuclear weapons in a few months and can quickly develop a simple nuclear bomb if Donald Trump, as U.S. President, withdraws military aid. In particular, this involves creating a main device from plutonium using technology similar to the Fat Man bomb dropped on Nagasaki in 1945.