13:43 17.03.2018

Japan govt will pass digital trunking radio communications equipment to Ukraine's National Police

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Japan govt will pass digital trunking radio communications equipment to Ukraine's National Police

The government of Japan together with the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) will transfer digital trunking radio communications equipment to the main directorate of the National Police of Ukraine in Sumy region.

"We continue cooperation within the framework of the program for the development of material and technical capacity of the National Police. The government of Japan together with the UN Office for Project Services will soon transfer equipment of digital trunking radio communications to the main department of the National Police in Sumy region," Interior Minister of Ukraine Arsen Avakov said at a meeting with Ambassador of Japan to Ukraine Shigeki Sumi.

According to Avakov, Japan is a reliable partner in all projects of the Interior Ministry of Ukraine.

"Thanks to the government of Japan for a systematic and fruitful cooperation," he added.

The ambassador assured the minister in further support of the initiatives of the Ukrainian ministry on the way of reforming the civil security sector in the country.


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