11:48 07.06.2019

Expert discussion of 'a state in a smartphone' concept to begin next week

2 min read

Advisor to President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, Mykhailo Fedorov, has announced the first expert discussion of "a state in a smartphone" draft concept which is scheduled for the next week, the presidential website said on Thursday.

"As part of the concept development, we have held the first meeting with representatives of the Estonian e-Governance Academy, one of the key areas of which is the digital transformation of public administration. Today, the Academy is virtually a global consulting center, which provided expert or project assistance to more than 50 countries of the world," Fedorov said after the meeting with representatives of the Estonian e-Governance Academy.

He also added that the Estonian experience was considered one of the best in the world. "Therefore, it is very important that Estonia is already a reliable partner of Ukraine in the field of e-governance development and plans further expansion of expert and technical assistance in the implementation of Trembita data exchange system and modernization of registers," the adviser to the president said.

The next meeting is planned already for the beginning of next week in Tallinn, where representatives of the Estonian government will present the best practices and recommendations for "a state in a smartphone" draft concept, the message reads.

"One of the important areas of the concept that was discussed with the experts is the development of electronic identification in Ukraine. We strive to promptly provide citizens with reliable, convenient and secure means of electronic identification. This will help Ukrainians in the near future to stop coming to officials to get a permission or help, resolve the issue of social assistance registration, business registration and use these services without leaving home or office," Fedorov explained.

For his part, First Deputy Chairman of the State Agency for e-Governance Oleksiy Vyskub noted that such e-identification means as electronic signature, MobileID, BankID, ID-card were already available to citizens, but their level of use was very low. The reasons are the lack of relevant skills, complex over-regulated procedures, lack of available information and the broad network for the provision of these services, outdated technologies.

Solutions to all these challenges will be presented in a new concept and appropriate plan. According to this plan, by the end of 2019, Ukrainians should have access to more than 200 top-priority electronic services. But Ukrainians will feel their benefits only if the e-identification is successfully developed.