
No Russian troops in Chasiv Yar, Defense Forces control city, its outskirts – speaker of Khortytsia Task Force

The Ukrainian Defense Forces control the situation in the city of Chasiv Yar (Donetsk region) and on its outskirts, there is no enemy in the city, said Lieutenant Colonel Nazar Voloshyn, speaker of the operational-strategic group of forces Khortytsia.

"There are no Russian troops in Chasiv Yar, the Defense Forces control the city and its outskirts. But the occupiers do not abandon their attempts to capture the dominant heights in the Chasiv Yar area for further advance to Druzhkivka, Sloviansk, Kramatorsk," Voloshyn said during a national telethon on Wednesday.

According to him, the Russian army has stepped up artillery fire and drone strikes on the outskirts of Chasiv Yar. "Over the past 24 hours alone, 92 mortar and artillery shellings were recorded there (the day before – 148), and in the morning nine enemy assaults were recorded (the day before – 12)."

Voloshyn noted that the enemy is concentrating efforts to break through the defenses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces west of Bakhmut, to reach the canal line, capture Chasiv Yar and create conditions for advancing to the Kramatorsk agglomeration. "However, as of now, the invaders were not even able to cross the Siversky Donets-Donbas canal," the speaker noted.
