09:23 06.01.2025

War and Peace: the Role of Economics in the prevention of armed Conflict

2 min read


The International Institute of Political Philosophy reports that Alexander Rosenfeld's book "THESES for a NEW SECURITY SYSTEM" has been published (LAP Lambert, 2024. ISBN 978-620-8-22407-3).

The work contains a thesis statement of the international security system - "Parity", which is based on the formation and practical use of a set of real economic and financial instruments to prevent aggression and military conflicts. Specific economic, political and financial measures are proposed, which, being built-in stabilizers, will be able to provide operational support to the countries affected by the attack, and at the same time determine the severe consequences for the aggressor in the war and post-war periods, as well as the transformation of his responsibility for the damage caused into a debt burden for future generations.

It is the combination of methods of intimidation of potential aggressors with guarantees of support for the victims of the attack that is considered as the most important condition for the fulfillment of "paper" agreements on peace, non-aggression, recognition of borders, etc. and peaceful coexistence in conditions of conflict of political interests. In this regard, we can assume a significant strengthening of the role of the UN as a political arbitrator and guarantor.

The paper examines the possibilities of specific financial instruments – SAB bonds ("Surprise Attac Bond"), which transfer the risks of military aggression to global markets.

According to a number of experts and politicians, the study "Theses to a new security system" offers fundamentally important approaches to a real guarantee of the steady implementation of international treaties and agreements. The book can be useful to the leaders of individual states, heads of the United Nations, regional associations and political blocs.


The work is available at:

