EU finalizes models for calculating mobile communication tariffs in RLAH zone

The European Union (EU) has completed the development of a model of mobile communication cost for roaming, on the basis of which the regulator sets mobile and fixed communication tariffs in the "Roam like at home" (RLAH) zone.
"The development of a model of mobile communication cost for roaming and voice traffic termination rates on mobile networks (Euro rate) in the EU has been completed. The European Commission has published the results of the relevant study, which was conducted by the consulting company Axon Partners Group Consulting," the National Commission for State Regulation of Electronic Communications, Radio Frequency Spectrum and Postal Services said on Facebook on Friday.
The presented results will be taken into account when revising the maximum wholesale roaming charges, as well as revising the Delegated Act (EU) 2021/654, which sets the rates for terminating voice traffic to mobile networks in the EU, the commission said, specifying that the current rate is EUR 0.2 per minute.
It is also reported that the new models must undergo public consultations and receive an assessment from the regulatory agency for the telecommunications market of the European Union's Body of European Regulators of Electronic Communications (BEREC).
Based on the model of mobile communication cost for roaming and Euro rate models, Ukrainian mobile operators will be able to calculate what the maximum wholesale roaming charge will be for calls, text messages, data transfer (Internet access), and the rates for terminating voice traffic to mobile networks after joining the RLAH single roaming zone, the commission said.
"We are confidently moving towards Ukraine's accession to the EU's roaming-free zone 'Roaming like at home' and therefore we must understand what changes may occur in the short term. And, most importantly, to be part of these changes, and not to catch up with them," the regulator said in a statement.
It is indicated that Ukraine is included for the first time in the study, which is focused only on EU member states.